Unit Overview

UNIT Overview: A healthy Lifestyle; A Healthy Me

School name: XXXXXX
Unit title: A healthy lifestyle, a healthy me
KLA(s): Health and Physical Education/English/ICTs
Year level(s): 7
Duration of unit: 6
Identify curriculum (Essential Learnings)
Key Questions
Rationale for the Unit/context
·         Why is it important to attain a healthy lifestyle?

·         What does it mean to have a healthy lifestyle?

·         How can I promote healthy lifestyles in a school environment? 

·         What can influence my health choices? 

The school has currently introduced a healthy lifestyle campaign to ensure all students are aware of the importance of attaining a healthy lifestyle. Within this unit, students will be undertaking a variety of tasks that will assist them in developing deep understandings about the purpose of a healthy lifestyle, who can influence it, and how we can promote it as part of the school environment. This unit is enriched in ICTs and incorporates both collaborative and individual learning experiences.  Students will explore various websites, evaluate their own eating and exercise habits using spreadsheets, reflect on their own lifestyles via a blog and use images, YouTube clips and many other forms of ICTs to complete the overall summative task. The summative task is producing a PowerPoint/Movie (using MovieMaker) that demonstrates students understanding of the purpose of healthy lifestyle, who or what can influence it and how they would promote it in the school environment. This task will then be presented to parents, teachers and the other members of the school/community.
·         Ways of working
·         Knowledge and understanding
Health and Physical Education
·         Collect, analyse and evaluate information and evidence
·         Draw conclusions and make decisions supported by information and evidence
·         Propose, justify, implement and monitor plans or actions to promote health and wellbeing
·         Reflect on and identify the impacts of diverse influences on health and wellbeing
·         Reflect on learning, apply new understandings and identify future applications
Ways of Working
·         Identify main ideas and the sequence of events, make inferences and draw conclusions based on ideas information within and across texts
·         Construct non-literacy texts to express meaning and messages

Health and Physical Education
·         Health has physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual dimensions which are interrelated
·         Family, peers and the media influence health behaviours
Personal development
·         Identify and self-image are influenced by environmental factors, including the media, and social expectations of age, gender and culture.
Knowledge and Understandings
Speaking and listening
·         Speakers use their assumptions about the characteristics of listeners to engage and their interest and attention
·         Active listens identify ideas and issues from others viewpoints and clarify meanings to justify opinions and reasoning
Writing and Designing
·         The purpose of writing and designing includes evoking emotion, persuading and informing

Literacy and non-literacy texts
·         Non-literacy texts evaluate, inform, present arguments and persuade

Information Communication Technologies
Inquiring with ICTs
·         Organise and analyse, experiment with and test data and information from a variety of sources
·         Evaluate data and information gathered for usefulness, credibility, relevance, accuracy and completeness
·         Reflect on, analyse and evaluate how ICTs have assisted in meeting the inquiry purposes and in developing new understandings.
Creating with ICTs
·         Develop plans and proposals, considering common ICT design features
·         Express and creatively represent ideas, information and thinking
·         Creatively document and present planning, thinking and learning using a combination of media
·         Reflect on their use of ICTs as creative tools and evaluate the quality of their ICT responses, plans and processes against criteria
Communicating with ICTs
·         Collaborate, develop, organise and present new ideas
·         Reflect on their use of ICTs and consider feedback to improve collaboration and refine communicate meaning.
Ethics, issues and ICTs
·         Apply codes of practice for safe, secure and responsible use of ICTs
Operating ICTs
·         Develop operational skills and begin to use the extended functionally of a range of ICT devices
·         Develop strategies for learning new ICT operations and consider different ways to perform tasks
Reflect on, analyse and evaluate their operational skills to meet the requirements of system resources, processes and conventions

Procedural Knowledge
·         Develop concept maps
·         Explore various websites
·         Use pedometers
·         Construct spreadsheets
·         Create blogs
·         Conduct interviews
·         View images, YouTube clips, Voki’s
·         Produce Movie/PowerPoint 
·         Writing a 200 word reflection

Declarative Knowledge
·         Know what a concept map looks like
·         Recognise that websites contain many features
·         Research, collect and analyse information
·         Procedure of creating a blog
·         Forming interviews
·         Determining relevant resources
·         Recognising key features in MovieMaker/PowerPoint
·         Reflect on learning

Develop assessment
Make judgments
Type of assessment
What will be assessed
DoL Focus
How will evidence be gathered?
Assessable elements/criteria
Formative 1- creating concept maps/blogs

Formative 2- Recording healthy eating and exercise habits using spreadsheets
Recording 10,000 STEPS.

Formative 3- interpreting,collecting and analysing websites


Students prior knowledge & creativity skills

Students ability to accurately record information through spreadsheets & determine own health choices

Students ability to choose relevant information through websites
-Producing a PowerPoint/Movie
-Presentation of final product. 
-Reflection on product
Dim 2 –declarative knowledge

Dim 2 –
Declarative – organise
Procedural –shaping

Dim 2- declaravtive- organise

Dim2- Declarative – store
Procedural- interalise
Evidence of concept map via blog

Evidence of student work completed via blog 

Evaluation of websites using evaluation wizard 

Video post on blog
Observation on presentation
Written reflection
Knowledge and Understandings(HPE)
K& U (ICTs)

Producing (ICTs)
Investigating and desgining (ICTs)
Investigating (HPE)

Interpreting texts (E)
Evaluating (ICTs)

Consturcting texts (E)
Knowledge and understanding (HPE)
K&U, Investigating and Desgining, Producing ,evaluating & Reflecting (ICTs)

Culminating task description:
Students will work in pairs to create a Movie/PowerPoint that reflects on the purpose of a healthy lifestyle, who/what can influence it, and how they can promote it as part of the school environment. To do this students will: 
·         Develop deep understandings associated with healthy lifestyles
·         Investigate various websites to gather sufficient evidence
·         Use Images, YouTube clips, Music, Voki and any other form of ICTs to create engaging product
·         Explore ways to collect and record information
·         Construct interviews with health professionals
  • Present finished product to parents, teachers and school/community
  • Evaluate  their own and other work via blog

Sequence of learning
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Big 6
As a class students will be introduced to the topic healthy lifestyles. They will view a YouTube clip ‘Beautiful happy life’ to recognise and reflect on the underlying messages. From here they will construct a concept map detailing what they think a healthy lifestyle is and/or what it involves. This will then further lead to the discussion of what they will be required to do. Students will begin setting up a blog where each week they will undertake activities that will contribute to the overall assessment task. The learning manger will inform students that they will need to answer the following questions as part of their assessment task:
·         What is the purpose of a healthy lifestyle?
·         Who/what can influence it?
·         How can we promote it as part of the school environment?
Students will need to constantly think about how they would promote healthy lifestyles in their school environment while participating in all activities.
Formative Assessment tool/strategy 1
Students will construct a concept map using bubbl.us to demonstrate their prior knowledge associated with the topic.
Further discussion in class and creating a class concept map on what information will be needed to complete task will lead students to producing their own healthy eating and exercise journals. Students will reflect on their food and exercises choices over a period of one week. Students will also be given a 10,000 STEPS pedometer where they will record their steps undertaken on a daily basis. Students will also be given time to experiment with PowerPoint/MovieMaker, iTunes, images etc at various stages throughout the unit. Assistance will be given in order to do so.   
Formative Assessment tool/strategy 2
Producing & reflecting on own healthy eating and exercise journals.
Students will investigate who/what can influence a healthy lifestyle. They will begin discussing as a class and then continue exploring various websites, YouTube clips, images etc to gather information and demonstrate their understandings. From this students will determine which sources of information are most relevant to their overall product.
Students will continue accessing various websites to gather information and develop ways in which they can engage their audience.
Formative Assessment tool 3
Students will collect and analyse all information to begin producing their final product.
Summative Assessment task – Students will present their PowerPoint/Movies to an audience and write a 200wrd  reflection on the process of their final product & their presentation via their blogs
1.1 Define the information problem
1.2 Determine information needed 

2.1 Determine all possible sources
2.2 determine he best sources 3.1 locate sources
3.2 find information within sources
4.1 engage

4.2 Extract relevant information
5.1 Organise multiple sources

5.2 Present the information
6.1 Judge the product
6.2 Judge the process
Bubbl.us  to construct concept map

Resources: Spreadsheets to create journals
Blogs to reflect on journals
10,000 STEPS pedometers

·         Websites: http://www.gofor2and5.com.au/HealthyEating.

· YouTube
·         Google images/flickr.com
·         iTunes for music

·         As above
·         PowerPoint/MovieMaker

·         Projector for presentations
·        PowerPoint/MovieMaker
·         Blogs for reflection  

Formative assessment and feedback
Ways to monitor learning and assessment
Strategy or tool
How will it be used to inform the learning journey?
Formative Assessment tool 1 – concept maps

Formative Assessment tool 2 – exercise and eating journals

Formative Assessment tool 3 – interpreting, collecting and analysing various websites
1.    This formative task reinforces what students have been taught in the early stages of the unit. From this, students can make decisions about what a healthy lifestyle is and prepares them for answering the question ‘what is the purpose of a healthy lifestyle’.
2.    The second formative task is used to provide students with an overview of whether they are attaining a healthy lifestyle. This will lead them to establishing who/what might influences their health choices.
3.    The purpose of this is to allow students to determine what information they will put in their final assessment task.
The above formative assessment tasks assist students in determining how to promote healthy lifestyles as part of the school environment.